Alive Credit Union Presents the 2024 Trash Art Competition at the Greater Jacksonville Agricultural Fair
Contest Guidelines
There will be TWO Divisions: Junior (17 and under) and Adults (18+)
All submissions must be dropped off and checked in at the Jacksonville Fairgrounds Main Office (510 Fairgrounds Place, Jacksonville FL 32202) anytime during the following days/times:
Friday, November 1st 9a to 4p
Sunday, November 3rd 10a to 4p
Monday, November 4th 9a to 4p
Tuesday, November 5th 9a to 4p
All submissions must have the following information securely taped or attached to the art: “Trash Art Competition”; Artist’s Name; Artwork Title; Medium; School (leave blank if not in school) This information will later be removed and used to make nametags for the art.
1st Place Winner in both divisions will receive $800
2nd Place Winner in both divisions will receive $300
3rd Place Winner in both divisions will receive $100
The submissions must be an original and creative work of the registrant.
The submission must have been created any time after 1/1/2024
Art can be 2D (painting, photography, collage or other pieces that can be hung from a wall) or 3D (sculpture, model or other pieces that can be displayed on a table or stand upright)
Pieces must be composed of recycled, salvaged or collected litter materials, and/or express sentiments on waste, or a sustainability topic that relates to waste.
Hanging art must not exceed 10 lbs
All hanging art must have some kind of hook, hanger, or wire strong enough the support the weight of your piece.
Art must be family friendly. No nudity. Nothing vulgar or suggestive.
All copyright laws must be followed in the creation of the design.
All Art will be displayed as an Exhibit inside “Plantopia” at The Jacksonville Fair from November 7th – 17th, 2024.
All Art will be kept inside and safe from rain and other outdoor elements.
Movement is allowed but not required. Moving parts are permitted provided they do not create a safety hazard.
Art can be picked up during the following days/times:
Sunday, November 17th 4p-6p (see “Art Pick Up Instructions” for more details)
Monday, November 18th 10a-3p
*or by appointment.
Any art not picked up by Thursday 21st will become property of the Jacksonville Fairgrounds.