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Food Truck Application

Food Truck Application



Food trucks agree to pay 20% of Gross Sales as the fee for being at the Jacksonville Fairgrounds.

General Liability Insurance:
Certificate of Liability Insurance is required with no less than $1,000,000 for each
occurrence and $1,000,000 for personal injury. An original COI, which names the
Duval County Fair Association as additionally insured , must be on file in our office
prior to set up.

Pepsi Products:
Pepsi is the official Sponsor of the Jacksonville Fairgrounds. You must serve only Pepsi
products while at the Fairgrounds.

Please send payment within 48 hours of leaving the Jacksonville Fairgrounds. You can
send it via PayPal (christine@jacksonvillefair.com ) or credit card using the Vendor
Payment portal on our website: www.jacksonvillefair.com/vendorpayments

Food Truck Vendor Acknowledgement

(feet and inches)

Photo(s) of Food Truck (5mb limit) Please provide images of your food truck...
Photo(s) of Food Truck (5mb limit) Please provide images of your food truck...
Menu (5mb limit) Please upload a photo of your Menu
Food (5mb limit) Please upload a copy of the food you sell

Reference #1 (5mb limit) *If Required*
Reference #2 (5mb limit) *If Required*
Reference #3 (5mb limit) *If Required*

Hold Harmless:
By your application you are agreeing to abide by the Rules & Regulations noted in this application and to indemnify and save harmless the Greater Jacksonville Fair Association, its agents and employees from and against all claims, suits, actions and damages and/or causes or actions arising during the period of use and occupancy by Exhibitor/Vendor from the date of entry upon fairgrounds to and including date of departure, for any personal injury, loss of life, and/or damages to property, including the vendor’s property or employees, sustained in and about the premises or that portion of the buildings or appurtenances thereto, used by the Concessionaire/Vendor, occurring during such time as they may be using said premises, and from and against all costs, legal fees, expenses and liabilities incurred in and about any action thereon, and from and against any order, judgment, and/or decrees which may be entered therein when any of the a foresaid are caused by negligence of the Exhibitor/Vendor, its agents, subcontractors or employees or persons attending the premises by reason of the use thereof by the vendor. Property taken into the fairgrounds by vendor is taken there at the vendors own risk. The fairgrounds, it’s personnel, etc, shall not be responsible for any loss due to damage from fire, theft, windstorm, repossession or from any other cause whatsoever, nor for failure upon its part to perform this agreement, should officers of the law seize, stop or prevent vendor from operating under this agreement.
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