Event Calendar

Welding Sculpture Competition

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2024 Tulsa Welding Sculpture Competition at the Greater Jacksonville Agricultural Fair

Contest Guidelines

Theme: In The Sky

All Competitors must be registered online at www.JacksonvilleFair.com/Welding

All submissions must be dropped off and checked in at the Jacksonville Fairgrounds Main Office (510 Fairgrounds Place, Jacksonville FL 32202) during the following days/times:
Sunday, November 3rd 11a to 3p
Monday, November 4th 9a to 4p
Tuesday, November 5th 9a to 4p
Wednesday, November 6th 9a to 4p

Judging will occur on Thursday, November 7th

The winners will be announced on JacksonvilleFair.com by 6pm on Sunday, November 17th.

1st Place Winner will receive $1,000

2nd Place Winner will receive $500

“People’s Choice” winner will receive $150

Materials used must be ferrous or non-ferrous metals.

The sculpture must be an original and creative work of the registrant.

The sculpture must have been created any time after 1/1/2024

Sculptures shall be welded, brazed or soldered, depending on the materials.

Sculptures can be painted

Sculptures will be kept inside and safe from rain and other outdoor elements.

All copyright laws must be followed in the creation of the design.

The sculpture must be one continual piece, not multiple pieces unconnected.

Movement is allowed but not required. Moving parts are permitted provided they do not affect the integrity of the piece or create a safety hazard.

The sculpture must be bigger than the minimum size of 12” in any direction

No additional appurtenances can be used (mirrors, stands, etc.) The sculpture must be self-standing.

All submissions must have the following information securely taped or tied onto it:

“Welding Competition”; Artists Name; Sculpture Title; Approximate Hours to Make; School (leave this one blank if you are not in school). This information will be removed from the piece and used to create Name Tags for the Exhibit.

All sculptures can be picked up on Sunday, November 17 from 4pm to 6pm
or on Monday, November 18 between 9am and 4pm (or by appointment).

Any sculptures not picked up by Thursday November 21 will become property of the Jacksonville Fairgrounds.
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